Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yeah, Earth Day 2008!

What are you doing for Earth Day? Recycle your plastic? Walk or carpool to work?

How about trying to have a paperless day? No photocopies, no print-outs, no paper cups!

How about shopping at your local farmer's market for organically-grown foods?

How about buying eco-friendly fashion?

How about unplugging all unused electronics/appliances?

How about replacing your regular lightbulbs with fluorescent bulbs?

How about buying Energy-Star applicances?

See, it's easy going green!


Anonymous said...

I definitely went paperless at work today too! Also, my entire team at the office just put all of our magazines and newspapers in the recyle bin. Small progress right...

Anonymous said...

i switched to a coffee mug a couple months back... i'm ashamed of the amount of wasted paper cups that i unnecessary used... new day, new life...